Modern Slavery Statement

Star Editions is committed to helping to tackle modern slavery.

We can help to do this by:
  • Understanding modern slavery risks.
  • Ensuring that there is no modern slavery within the company. This can be done by checking and keeping on file all staff passports/driving licence etc.
  • Ensuring that there is no modern slavery within the companies supply chain. This can be done by carrying out a due diligence of all suppliers.
  • All Managers and Directors have a duty to uphold the laws on slavery.
  • Star Editions produce all goods on site in the UK.

Please read below a brief guide to the Modern Slavery act.

The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support and protection for victims. It received Royal Assent on Thursday 26 March 2015.

The act will:
  • Consolidate and simplify existing offences into a single act.
  • Ensure that perpetrators receive suitably severe punishments for modern slavery crimes (including life sentences).
  • Enhance the court’s ability to put restrictions on individuals where it’s necessary to protect people from the harm caused by modern slavery offences.
  • Create an independent anti-slavery commissioner to improve and better coordinate the response to modern slavery.
  • Introduce a defence for victims of slavery and trafficking.
  • Place a duty on the secretary of state to produce statutory guidance on victim identification and victim services.
  • Enable the secretary of state to make regulations relating to the identification of and support for victims.
  • Make provision for independent child trafficking advocates.
  • Introduce a new reparation order to encourage the courts to compensate victims where assets are confiscated from perpetrators.
  • Enable law enforcement to stop boats where slaves are suspected of being held or trafficked.
  • Require businesses over a certain size to disclose each year what action they have taken to ensure there is no modern slavery in their business or supply chains.

Updated 5th January 2022